Design is the silent ambassador of your corporate brand

Corporate interior design refers to the designing of offices, work rooms, boardrooms and other spaces inside corporations. 
Times are changing fast. Workspaces that people yearned for, expected and cared about a few years ago are so different than today. The first priority for Corporations today is to create an environment where the work is both exciting and challenging. A place where careers blossom and the bottom line thrives.
Siyarch studio specializes in designing functional commercial interiors and work with corporate clients to create professional yet tasteful environments.   


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Corporate interior design includes the planning, implementation and completion of design aesthetics such as

A Sense of ‘Home’ at Work +

To foster a safe, comfortable sense of “home” in the office, we incorporate residential elements such as comfortable sofas and chairs, soft lighting features in common spaces or artwork displayed throughout the office to create a home-like atmosphere in the office.

A Safe, Protected Workspace +

We incorporate design thinking in the interior design and layout of corporate office space in order to provide a safe, protected workspace. While the focus is touchpoints, we suggest hard surfaces and design elements that can be easily cleaned, sanitized and maintained. Social distancing signage, hand sanitizing stations and signs limiting room capacity are also important office additions that make employees feel safe.

Sustainability & Green Options +

-Increased productivity by 15%
-Improved air quality and oxygen flow
-Reduced toxins in the air from carpets and other office furniture
-Reduced noise

Incorporating Old & New +

Pairing old and new elements together has been a growing trend in office design. By mixing old with new, the old design component gives off a warm feeling to balance out the new and modern pieces that are added into the space, coupling old and new can be done in so many ways to minimise the cost and add functionality and personality to the space.
new project | december 2024.

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